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3 Results for Farming

3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Dairy Farmers Correspondence

  • ZA UCT BC865
  • Fonds
  • 1983-1985

Correspondence Regarding Permission to Distribute Fresh Milk in the Western Cape, September 1983 - February, 1985Copies and translations of correspondence furnished by C Milner as part of her research report entitled "Dairy Farmers Milked Dry...

Murray-Parker Collection

  • ZA UCT BC330
  • Fonds
  • circa 1800-1950

This collection comprises 25 items of Emily Hobhouse material. Betty Molteno's correspondence, incl. letters from Mahatma Gandhi, Sol Plaatje (16 letters), John X Merriman (six letters), Mrs Lulu Bolus, Mrs GM Solomon and 200 letters to Alice...

Murray-Parker, May

Traub Correspondence

  • ZA UCT BC791
  • Fonds
  • 1914-1916

Correspondence between S Traub and the South African government re scheme to support farmers whose markets for wool, mohair, skin and hide were severely limited by the war. The scheme involved cash advances to farmers, dispensed through agents, of...

Traub, S.