Showing 23 results

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Architectural Collection
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Kendall and Earle Collection

  • ZA UCT BC206
  • Fonds
  • 1800-1948

Specifications, quantity schedules and correspondence refer ring to several hundred buildings in the Cape Province planned by the firm of Baker and Masey, with which Sir Herbert Baker was connected (1892-1910), and its successor firms, incl. the S...

Earle, Leslie Marriott

Pryce-Lewis/Parker Collection

  • ZA UCT BC1074
  • Fonds
  • 1866-1993

The research papers on Cape Town architect, John Parker (1866-1921), assembled by Professor Owen Pryce-Lewis, staff member of the UCT School of Architecture from 1938-1969, and Associate Professor and Assistant Director of the School from 1947-196...

Pryce-Lewis, Owen

Walgate and Elsworth Collection

  • ZA UCT BC318
  • Fonds
  • 1930-1960

Notes, articles and photographs regarding architectural projects in which Walgate and Elsworth were involved. Includes University of Cape Town, Groote Schuur campus, and New Delhi, as well as information on Sir Herbert Baker and Sir Edwin Lutyens.

C P Walgate

Kaspar Arendt Papers

  • ZA UCT BC953
  • Fonds
  • 1890-1972

Personal documents, sketches and photographs of sculptures by sculptors Kaspar and Liesbeth Arendt. Photographs of some of Kaspar Arendt's architectural projects both in Germany and in Cape Town. Photographs of their family and friends, incl....

Arendt, Kaspar

FM Glennie Papers

  • ZA UCT BC1374
  • Fonds
  • 1930s

Photographs and architectural drawings of buildings designed by FM Glennie. Include Old Mutual Office Building, St Mary’s Cathedral, the old Supreme Court (now the Slave Lodge)

Glennie, Frederick McIntosh

Ivor Prinsloo Papers

  • ZA UCT BC1413
  • Fonds
  • 1912-2002

The Ivor Prinsloo Papers cover all aspects of his work as an academic and as a professional architect and town planner from the early 1960s until the beginning of the 21st century. His personal achievements in these fields are well-documented, as ...

Prinsloo, Ivor Cedric

Results 1 to 10 of 23