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Smuts, Jan Christiaan
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The Owen Clough Papers

  • ZA UCT BC1343
  • Fonds
  • 1906-1960

The material in this collection reflects Owen Clough’s political involvements and activities from the turn of the century until the mid 1950s. It reflects his interest in and writings concerning forms of second chamber government, his involvement ...

Clough, Ernest Owen Marshall

Duncan Papers

  • ZA UCT BC294
  • Fonds
  • 1901-1943

Family correspondence which forms a large part of the collection.Correspondence and other papers concerning property and private business affairs.Political and other papers (1900-1943); incl. correspondence with Lionel Curtis and correspondence be...

Duncan, Patrick

Hayes Collection

  • ZA UCT BC533
  • Fonds
  • 1949-1952

A published biographical portrait of Field-Marshall Jan Christiaan Smuts; and newspapers reporting on the deaths of Smuts (September 1950) and King George VI (February 1952).

Hayes, E (Mrs)

Zelda Friedlander Papers

  • ZA UCT BC580
  • Fonds
  • 1938-1970

MSS and correspondence with individuals, re Frielander's book "Jan Smuts remembered; a centennial tribute" (1970). Biographical notes on several prominent South Africans. MSS of articles and short stories by Zelda Friedlander and re...

Friedlander, Zelda

Guy Abercrombie Elliott Bequest

  • ZA UCT BC615
  • Fonds
  • undated

The Guy Abercrombie Elliott Bequest of 1646 books and manuscripts was bequested to the University of Cape Town Libraries in 1975, from the estate of Professor G.A. Elliott. The manuscripts bequeathed consist of two travel journals and a children&#...

Elliott, Guy Abercrombie

Eric Anderson Walker Papers

  • ZA UCT BC618
  • Fonds
  • 1886-1976

Private papers (1911-1976), belonging to Prof. Eric Anderson Walker (1886-1976). 102 letters from statesmen, politicians and historians, incl. JC Smuts, JH Hofmeyr, FS Malan, Sir James Rose Innes and Lords Hailey, Lugard and Milner. These letters,...

Walker, Eric Anderson

Julia Elliott Papers

  • ZA UCT BC626
  • Fonds
  • 1950-1966

The Julia Elliott Papers were presented to the University of Cape Town in 1977 by Miss Julia Elliott, a sister of Dr Guy Elliott, and number 643 items. The collection consists mainly of letters to Julia Elliott and her mother Mrs Claire Elliott fr...

Elliott, Julia

Victor Norton Papers

  • ZA UCT BC752
  • Fonds
  • 1941-1960

Correspondence, interviews with politicians, notes, etc.

Norton, Victor

Jean van der Poel Papers

  • ZA UCT BC893
  • Fonds
  • 1924-1970

Research notes, correspondence, reviews, etc. re 'The Jameson Raid' and the Smuts Papers. Addresses, lecture notes and pamphlets.

Van der Poel, Jean

Results 1 to 10 of 11